Title: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 4
Directed By: Glen Winter
Air Date: January 14th, 2020
Written By: Marv Wolfman & Marc Guggenheim
Official Description: OLIVER HAS BECOME SOMETHING ELSE IN PART FOUR OF "CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS." EPISODE PENNED BY MARV WOLFMAN & MARC GUGGENHEIM -- Stuck in the Vanishing Point, the Paragons search for a way to escape. The futility of the situation is compounded by The Flash's (guest star Grant Gustin) disappearance. However, hope appears in the form of Oliver, who reveals that he has become something else. Meanwhile, the origin stories for The Monitor (guest star LaMonica Garrett) and Anti-Monitor are revealed.
Reoccurring Cast:
Guest Stars: LaMonica Garrett (The Monitor), Grant Gustin (The Flash)
Special Notes:
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