Title: Shiv Part Two
Directed By: Geary McLeod
Air Date: July 7th, 2020
Written By: Paula Sevenbergen
Official Description: THE JSA GOES UNDERCOVER — After Courtney gets herself into some trouble following an unexpected confrontation, Pat decides they need to come clean to Barbara. Meanwhile, Cindytakes heat from her father after a plan to take matters into her own hands goes awry. Finally, Yolanda, Beth and Rick lead an investigation into one of their own classmates. Neil Jackson, Trae Romano and Jake Austin Walker also star.
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Title: Shiv Part One
Directed By: Lea Thompson
Air Date: June 30th, 2020
Written By: Evan Ball
Official Description: LEA THOMPSON (“BACK TO THE FUTURE”) DIRECTS THE EPISODE — As Pat teaches Courtney, Yolanda, Beth and Rick the importance of teamwork, the ISA converge to figure out who is trying to take them down. Elsewhere, as the school prepares for homecoming, Cindy lashes out against her father’s strict rules, while Barbara accepts an offer from Jordan. Trae Romano, Christopher James Baker, Jake Austin Walker and Hunter Sansone also star.
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Title: Justice Society
Directed By: Chris Manley
Air Date: June 23rd, 2020
Written By: Taylor Streitz
Official Description: THE POWERS THAT BE — Courtney makes a difficult decision after Pat confronts her about the potential consequences of recruiting new members to the JSA. Elsewhere, Barbara shows up in support of Mike’s science fair, and Courtney, Yolanda, Beth and Rick prepare for their first major mission. Neil Jackson and Hunter Sansone also star.
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Title: Hourman & Dr Mid-Nite
Directed By: Melissa Carter
Air Date: June 16th, 2020
Written By: Melissa Carter
Official Description: HALLOWEEN IN BLUE VALLEY — As Courtney sets her sights on recruiting more members to the Justice Society of America, Pat finds himself one step closer to learning which ISA members may be in Blue Valley. Meanwhile, a search for Rick leads Courtney, Yolanda and Beth to Cindy Burman’s Halloween party. Amy Smart, Trae Romano, Jake Austin Walker, Hunter Sansone and Christopher James Baker also star.
Reoccurring Cast:
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Title: Wildcat
Directed By: Rob Hardy
Air Date: June 9th, 2020
Written By: James Dale Robinson
Official Description: THE FIRST RECRUIT — After realizing that she needs the extra help, Courtney sets out to recruit new members to the Justice Society of America – starting with Yolanda. Elsewhere, Pat’s suspicion is piqued after a bizarre conversation with one of the town’s residents. Amy Smart, Anjelika Washington, Trae Romano, Jake Austin Walker, Meg DeLacy, Neil Jackson, Christopher James Baker also star.
Reoccurring Cast:
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