Warner Brothers and ViacomCBS are shopping around the idea of selling The CW. What this means for all the DCTV properties is uncertain.

Supergirl "Deus Lex Machina" Synopsis

With Supergirl herself, Melissa Benoist making her directorial debut, we're sure to have quite an episode ahead. From the looks of it, this episode will be all about Lex's machinations, from his plans to get his sister closer to him, to having the Superfriends take on Leviathan, even to us finally getting some answers on how he survived and got his cushy new position of power in this new post-Crisis world. Check out the synopsis below:

MELISSA BENOIST MAKES HER DIRECTORIAL DEBUT – Lex (guest star Jon Cryer) proceeds to lay an intricate plan to bring Lena (Katie McGrath) closer to him, defeat Leviathan’s latest attack, and pit Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and team against Leviathan.  It is also revealed how Lex came into power after Crisis. Melissa Benoist directed the episode with story by Lindsay Sturman and teleplay by Katie Rose Rogers & Brooke Pohl (#517). Original airdate 3/29/2020.

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About the Author
Melissa K
Author: Melissa KWebsite: https://dctv.newsEmail: Melissa.K@dctv.news
DCTV Reporter
With a long time love for Young Justice, Melissa is stepping up her reporting game and taking on HBO Max shows as well as a few in the Arrowverse!


#1 RE: Supergirl "Deus Lex Machina" SynopsisCatPat 2020-03-13 01:24
Go Melissa! I look forward to this episode. I hope they drop something fun about Lex's post Crisis self.

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